City of Leeds Club Philosophy
Our club philosophy is to build a culture of learning, professionalism, commitment, challenge and independence.
We champion a positive, respectful and hardworking attitude, the ability to work as a team and appreciate each team member, in order for each individual to become the best synchronised swimmer they can be.
We hope that this will not only help support all athletes in becoming the best synchronised swimmer they can be, but will also develop life skills that will serve them in their future lives beyond synchronised swimming.
City of Leeds Synchronised Swimming Club
Leeds City Council Training Scheme Fees
The training scheme is run by Leeds City Council.
Fees are collected monthly by Direct Debit to Leeds City Council and cover the cost of pool time and employed coaches. The club have no control over the monthly training scheme fees.

Club and Swim England Membership
Club membership fees cover the cost of insurance at competitions and displays, plus the day to day running costs of the club including equipment, music licensing and training for volunteer coaches, club officers and officials.
Annual Membership fees are paid via the website. You must be a website member in order to purchase a plan - click here for further information
All swimmers must be members of Swim England which is included in your club membership fee.